Slideshow: Spinal X-rays

Profile view of cervical spine

X-rays create two-dimensional black-and-white images of the structure(s) that they’ve traversed. The images reveal specific bone- and soft tissue—related conditions, such as abnormal spinal curvatures or specific spinal segment issues, on a photographic film placed on the opposite side of the body.

Anterior view of scoliosis on x-ray

X-rays create two-dimensional black-and-white images of the structure(s) that they’ve traversed. The images reveal specific bone- and soft tissue—related conditions, such as abnormal spinal curvatures or specific spinal segment issues, on a photographic film placed on the opposite side of the body.

Anterior view of scoliosis on x-ray

X-rays create two-dimensional black-and-white images of the structure(s) that they’ve traversed. The images reveal specific bone- and soft tissue-related conditions, such as abnormal spinal curvatures or specific spinal segment issues, on a photographic film placed on the opposite side of the body.
