There are several conditions that mimic the shooting, searing pain of sciatica. Learn what conditions could be masquerading as sciatica and how your doctor might make a differential diagnosis.

How to tell if your sciatica is actually piriformis syndrome? Both piriformis syndrome and sciatica can cause back pain that travels down your leg. But their causes, typical symptoms, and treatment options differ widely.

Is massage good for piriformis pain? Massage therapy can help relax and release a tight piriformis muscle, which can prevent spasming and reduce buttock pain and hip pain caused by piriformis syndrome. How do I release my piriformis? Neuromuscular therapy can help release a tight piriformis muscle by applying pressure to trigger points in the center of the buttock.

Several oral and topical medications may help relieve sciatica pain. Learn about the different OTC and prescription drugs that may be helpful for your unique situation.

Leg weakness may cause sudden buckling, an unsteady gait, and possible falls. Here are a few possible conditions that may cause weakness in your legs.
