Stabilization Exercise Movements

Pelvic Tilt

Pelvic Tilt

A pelvic tilt involves lying on your back on the floor with knees bent and pulling the belly in towards the spine. This position is the basis for keeping the lumbar spine stable.
March in Place

March in Place

March in place by lifting alternating legs 3-4 inches above the floor without letting the pelvis rock side to side.


Form a bridge with trunk raised by raising hips from floor and keeping a straight line from shoulders to hips.
Prone Extension

Prone Extension

Extend the upper body by lying on the stomach and squeezing shoulder blades together while slowly raising head and shoulders only one inch off floor. Keep looking down at the floor throughout the exercise.
Prone Leg Lift

Prone Leg Lift

Also while lying on the stomach, extend hip muscles by raising one leg at a time holding the knee straight. Avoid any rocking of the pelvis.
Resistance Band

Resistance Band

Exercise the upper back muscles by using an elastic band positioned around a stable object and performing a "rowing" motion with arms pulled back and shoulder blades together with the chest supported.