In an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19, you may be spending more hours working from home. When adjusting to a new work environment, it's important to consider how these changes may affect your spine.

Here are 5 tips to help support your neck while working on a laptop or computer at home.

  1. Take the laptop off your lap. Placing your laptop on a table will help avoid slouching your shoulders and straining your neck to look at your screen.
  2. Raise the screen higher. An ideal laptop height and angle lets you view the screen without bending your neck.
  3. Upgrade the screen size. Using an external monitor will help reduce the strain on your neck. If you find yourself hunching forward, you can also increase the font size.
  4. Use a separate keyboard and mouse. Using an external keyboard and mouse allows your wrists to be in a neutral position while typing.
  5. Adjust your chair height. Raise your chair to support your sit-to-stand movement. An adequate seat height is a level at which you can easily place both feet on the ground and bend your knees at a 90° angle.

This information is not intended or implied as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images or other information provided is intended for general information purposes only. Always consult with your physician for diagnosis or treatment.
