Cold Laser Therapy is a treatment utilizing a laser that penetrates the skin, helping alleviate pain from conditions such as arthritis, back pain, fibromyalgia, neck pain, and tendonitis.

Rechargeable SCS lasts longer but requires regular recharging, a process dependent on the device and individual preferences.

A trial is mandatory for any patient who is eligible for spinal cord stimulation treatment. The trial evaluates if electric stimulation reduces the patient’s pain.

Neuropathic pain often arises from various factors like cancer, nerve compression, diabetes, and injuries, with treatments tailored to their causes.

Cold lasers are effective in treating a variety of pain conditions, including carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain, fibromyaglia pain, arthritis pain, and neck pain...

The focus of physiatry is to treat patients with non-surgical modalities, to help them become as functional and pain free as possible, as quickly as possible.
