Slideshow: Sacroiliac (SI) Joint

Anterior view of the pelvis highlighting the SI joint.
Located in the pelvis, the sacroiliac joints connect the sacrum at the base of the spine with the ilium (hip bone).
Anterior view of the pelvis highlighting the Iliolumbar ligament, anterior sacroiliac ligament, sacrotuberous ligament, and sacroiliac joint.
The front (anterior) part of the sacroiliac joint is covered by the anterior sacroiliac ligament, which is relatively thin, making it vulnerable to injury and pain. Accessory SI joint ligaments, such as the iliolumbar and sacrotuberous ligaments provide additional support and stability to the joint.
Posterior view of the pelvis highlighting the Iliolumbar ligament, posterior sacroiliac ligaments, sacrotuberous ligament, and sacroiliac joint.
The back (posterior) part of the sacroiliac joint is stabilized by the posterior sacroiliac ligaments, which connect the back of the hip bones to the sacrum. Accessory SI joint ligaments, such as the iliolumbar and sacrotuberous ligaments provide additional support and stability to the joint.